서정 이춘환은 예향의 고장인 전라남도 완도 출생으로 그가 태어나 성장하면서 보고 자란 주변 환경과 그의 삶의 천로역정은 바로 대자연의 섭리와 변화무쌍한 사계의 변화를 통해서 체득됐다. 특히 완도의 풍광이 파노라마처럼 펼쳐지는 특유의 지리적인 환경 속에서 보고 느낀 미적 체험은 그의 작품 세계를 정립하는 계기로 작동한다. 이는 이춘환이 수묵화로 출발한 이후 계속해서 발상의 전환과 함께 새로운 모티프를 적용하는 동력이 되기도 한다.
Lee Choun Hwan (pseudonym Seojeong) was born on Wando Island, South Jeolla Province, a home to many artists and art lovers. He absorbed the surroundings he saw while growing up and has experienced the providence of Mother Nature and the ever-changing four seasons as he has traveled on his journey of life. The aesthetic experiences of seeing and sensing the panoramic scenery of Wando Island in its unique geographical environment have provided him with opportunities to establish his oeuvres. Those experiences have also served as a driving force for Lee to apply new motifs and continuously change his way of thinking since he began ink painting.
Ink and color on paper, 75 x 110 cm
자연의 소리 (The Sound of Nature), 2005Ink and color on paper, 75 x 110 cm
Ink and color on paper, 45 x 69 cm
강화도 일우 (Ganghwado After Rain), 2005Ink and color on paper, 45 x 69 cm
Ink and color on paper, 130 x 162 cm
범봉운해 (The Sea of Clouds at Bumbong), 2005, Ink and color on paper, 130 x 162 cm
Ink and color on paper, 36 x 54 cm
자연의 소리 (The Sound of Nature), 2007Ink and color on paper, 36 x 54 cm
Ink and color on paper, 36 x 54 cm
자연의 숨결 (The Breath of Nature), 2007Ink and color on paper, 36 x 54 cm
Ink and color on paper, 40 x 69 cm
꽃바람 부는 날 (A Windy Day), 1999Ink and color on paper, 40 x 69 cm
Ink and color on paper, 69 x 90 cm
월송리 소견 (Wolsong ri), 2001Ink and color on paper, 69 x 90 cm
Ink and color on paper, 45 x 69 cm
군외포구의 정 (Gunoe Port), 2001Ink and color on paper, 45 x 69 cm
Ink and color on paper, 54 x 74 cm
깨어나는 강 (The Waking River), 2005Ink and color on paper, 54 x 74 cm
Ink and color on paper, 68 x 121 cm
우중의 단양 (Danyang, Mid rain), 2005Ink and color on paper, 68 x 121 cm
ⓒ 2024 Lee Choun Hwan. All Rights Reserved.